
A Dream of Reason II. Some “Constitutional” Concerns and Entering…

II: Some “Constitutional” Concerns Entering through Tension and Resistance: Struggling in the Net (1996) 1.Opening Here we glance at mechanisms through which sociology’s dominant “social scientific” professional identity resists reasonable critique and reconstruction. They include forbidding internal foundational exploration, enforcing a taboo against literary innovation, excluding relevant concerns and talents, focusing obsessively on control, and […]

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A Dream of Reason II. Part 2 Entering through Direct Examination of Foundational Concepts

Entering through Direct Examination of Foundational Concepts (1986) 1.Opening We examine some transdisciplinary concepts in their relevance to the reconstruction of sociology-psychology. 2.On the Clarification/Evaluation of “Meaning Constellations” 3.1 Meaning is “the substance” of our life together and apart, not an area within it. The clarification/evaluation of meaning constellations requires mediation between their full existential-historical […]

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A Dream of Reason II. Part 3 Entering through the Methodology of Foundational Discipline Reconstruction

Entering through the Methodology of Foundational Discipline Reconstruction (2004) 1.Opening 1.1          This project should appear as process transparently within its artifact. Its processes should be worked through as procedures. In so far as these essays are transparent they can be replayed as they are and in their unrealized potentialities.[1] In theoretical reason methodology is […]

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A Dream of Reason II. Part 4 Entering from the Act of Writing and the Notion of Dialogue

Entering from the Act of Writing and the Notion of Dialogue (2000)  1. Opening  1.1 Dialogue, with its openness and equality, is a species of human connection. It is not limited to persons and literary texts. Personal-interpersonal patterns in all realms (e.g., intrapsychic, intergroup) can participate in dialogue. Dialogue recognizes, accepts, and struggles to mediate, […]

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A Dream of Reason III. Wild Flowers, Opening, and The Unnatural Bird Song of My Kind

III: Writing Wild flowers  Wild flowers Opening (2005)          This manuscript as writing may at first glance appear wild and free. Yet images and narratives are continuously pushed beyond themselves towards the explicitly conceptual. Relatively pure images and narratives can contribute to reconstruction (e.g., they open lines of “constructive implication” and articulate […]

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A Dream of Reason III. Floodtide and Borderline Notes: A Sociological-Psychological Fiction

Floodtide and Borderline Notes (1987) We write against a resisted yet increasingly powerful tendency for pattern and abstraction to overwhelm unique existence, inwardness and presence…. Action, experience and discourse are progressively twisted from personal and dialogical moorings and captured by increasingly complex hierarchical systems. Now at the edge of the overwhelming breakthrough of the cybernetic revolution […]

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Writings and Interviews by Avron Soyer

Reflections on life, paintings, theory, conversation.

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