Reading Torture III- I wrote this Poem, during the time of Bush, I look out the window and see the trees are red again, and these words speak to me again. We were ready then, but perhaps I was mistaken, and this is the autumn when we turn fascist. Reading Torture III 1 Constructing […]

Everybody needs a lobby. Yes?
Everybody needs a lobby. That includes women. Yes, we nurture, we care give, we organize, we achieve. Like water off a ducks back, it’s easy. What’s hard is to form a lobby. Why is that? How can we change that? Well, there are about125 million adult women in a population of about 324 million folks in […]
A Slice of Life Film- Avron’s Sketches
A day in the life video of Avron Soyer by Kacey Anisa with Avron’s sketches of Political figures in the days long before this contentious debate. Transcript Except: A close shot of Avron’s hands holding scissors and a stack of sketches, he says “Ok, the first thing that one does is cut off the sides, […]
Why I can’t Listen to the Debates -Guest Blog by Maxine Kern
When one is in the presence of a bully, the air leaves the room. One becomes suffocated with the poison of their cynicism. The powerlessness one experiences, fuels a bully. The bully (bully-well) feels their own power when the others in the room go limp in passive agreement. A circle […]

Emma Goldman’s Anarchy
Anarchy is so central to the protagonists and to the life of this play, that some examination would be helpful. The usual dictionary meaning of anarchy is the opposite of anarchy as lived by Emma Goldman. Shakespeare uses the received meaning when In Julius Caesar he says that “mere Anarchy is loosed upon the world.” […]

Avron Soyer on his Teaching
Interview with a Student 2000 -Avron Soyer Avron: I am aware of the danger of identifying the potentialities of art with any particular approach. I am on the side of open creative dialogue between person and discipline. I want to accept and encourage. Yet I also want to help students move closer to art. Thus […]