Living Art- V. Teaching Creativity -Painting Non-figurative “Objects” and Dancing with the Figure

 V. Teaching Creativity Opening An artifact is a work of art in so far as it sensitively, vitally and intensely embodies inwardness in an interpersonal medium… Inwardness is the world as it is experienced. My inwardness is the world as it appears to me. Every thing visual is soulful. Direct comparison with the model and […]

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Living Art – V. Answering My Students

A Visual Artist Answers his students Student: What shaped you as a teacher? Avron: My personality as a teacher is rooted in my childhood….My father Isaac, mother Sofia and two of my uncles Moses and Raphael were painters. Isaac, Moses and Raphael were well known. They are characterized as “urban realists,”   “painters of the American […]

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Writings and Interviews by Avron Soyer

Reflections on life, paintings, theory, conversation.

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